Find a builder for your project

Our architectural experts can help you find vetted construction professionals near you.

Find a builder for your project

Our architectural experts can help you find vetted construction professionals near you.

“I have already recommended Resi to friends and colleagues and I wouldn't take on another housing project without having them on my side. The value for money for their services is frankly incredible.”

- Nick Hougham (Resi Connect Client)

Find a builder with Connect

Whether you’re extending, renovating, or building from scratch, you’ll need a whole host of tradespeople to get your project off the ground. Connect is there to introduce you to a pool of professionals in your area.

We’ll then guide you through carrying out your own quality checks so you can select the right team for your project and build with confidence.

Find a builder

Why use Resi to find a builder?

Connect introduces you to vetted tradespeople in your area so you can select your builders with confidence.

Vetted contractors

Our Connect service introduces you to vetted contractors who can help bring your designs to life during construction.

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No extra cost

Our Connect service comes at zero cost to you - all you pay for is the service your tradesperson provides. Resi charges a 3-5% fee to the contractor for a successful introduction.

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Free guidance

Rather than sifting through hundreds of quotes, we’ll introduce you to tradespeople in your local area that could be suitable for your project.

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Here’s what Resi customers have to say...

How does Connect work?

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Prepare drawings

Whether using Resi drawings or your own, these are required for accurate quotations.

Receive quotes

You’ll receive quotes in your Resi dashboard, with full profiles of professionals to review.

Review and select

Select the supplier you feel best matches your requirement, and we’ll arrange the rest.

Download our free ‘Guide to Getting Onsite’ PDF for more information


Selecting the right contractor

Regardless of whether you use Connect or chose to source a builder on your own, the Connect team always recommend that you follow these steps...

Check their finances

It’s important that you take the time to do a financial background check on your builder’s company. If you see any changes to the directors, this could be a red flag the company may have filed for bankruptcy in the past.

Check the details

When it comes to your quote, the devil is in the detail. A good contractor should breakdown their pricing so you can check every design component has been properly costed. If your quote is too vague, ask your builder to be more transparent with their numbers.

Check their references

At a minimum, you should speak to at least two previous clients. One from six months ago and another from eighteen months. This should help give you an honest overview of your contractor’s current work practices, as well as showing how their work stands the test of time.

To be extra thorough, we also recommend speaking to a client that’s currently onsite to help round out your understanding of a contractor’s product delivery.

Contracts and insurance

Ask your contractor which contract they’ll be using. We always recommend homeowners go for a JCT contract as this provides the most security and accountability.

You’ll also need to check all the relevant insurances are in place. Our team at Resi Finance can help you to understand what you need to have in place, as well as source the best policies on offer.

Protect yourself with the right payment plan

We recommend you agree to a payment plan that has you releasing funds when milestones have been met. These milestones should be the key stages of the build, such as your foundations, superstructure, roof installation, etc.

This will ensure the builder is the one funding the project, while also letting you stay in control of quality throughout construction. If you can perform quality checks at each milestone, this will provide further protection, and is something a project manager can do on your behalf.

Look for anomalies

Watch out for those ‘too good to be true’ quotes and turnarounds. Often, when a project is priced significantly lower than their counterparts, it can be a sign that key details have been left out, likewise with super quick time estimates. If you’re unsure of whether or not to trust what’s on offer, speak to our team for advice.

Will you work well together?

How did you get on with the contractor? The rapport between you will be just as important to them as it is for you.

A lot of our contractors are busy and if they are offered two potential contracts of similar value and start date, their decision will then be based on the relationship with the client. After all, construction takes time and plans are liable to change. Having a good working relationship will make their job that much easier, as it will yours.

Recently completed...

Here are a few before, during and after photos of a project recently completed by Home Republic in South East London

Can we help you find a trusted Building Contractor?

All we need is a few details about your project to start receiving accurate quotations.

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