Resi Foundation

Resi Foundation

Everyone deserves a home that cares for them. Our mission is to make this a reality by shaking up the housing industry and shaping the next generation of experts.

Resi Foundation

Everyone deserves a home that cares for them. Our mission is to make this a reality by shaking up the housing industry and shaping the next generation of experts.

What is the Resi Foundation?

The Foundation is Resi’s way of giving back. Using our in-house talent and a portion of our own profits, we’re hoping to change homes in the UK for the better. We want to create spaces that feel like home, not just four walls and a roof. No small task, but with our unique three-tiered approach our goal gets a little closer, each and every day!

Why are we doing this?

We’re passionate about tackling housing inequality, and believe everyone deserves a home that offers more than just shelter. However, with 1 in 5 people in the UK living in poverty, many are at the mercy of the social housing lottery.

When our co-founders, Jules and Alex, read a new story on families living in shipping containers as a form of temporary accommodation, they knew Resi could do more to step up. Using a share of our profits and the might of our architectural team, we want to ensure everyone, no matter their background, has access to their own happy space.

What does Resi Foundation do?

Solving housing inequality is no small feat! That’s why we’ve devised three key areas to focus our efforts. It’s our hope that by bringing together research, education, and good old fashioned hard work, we’ll be able to make a big impact - now and in the future.


We’re blessed with an amazing in-house team of designers, planners and technical experts who know a thing or two about great home design. Our Giving pledge ensures their talents go towards charitable causes across the UK, such as working with councils - free of charge - to create affordable social housing that has wellbeing at the heart of its design.


We’re dedicated to educating the next generation of designers and housing experts. Whether you’re a 16-year-old looking for a future career or an architect that’s ready to enter the industry, our Teaching program provides both hands-on experiences as well as financial support to those from disadvantaged or underrepresented backgrounds.


We’re constantly conducting new research projects to discover how people in the UK (and beyond) use their home spaces. Our first research project - The Science of a Happy Home Report - delves into what factors affect our wellbeing and asks whether our current homes are measuring up. We’re determined to bring new thinking to architecture.

Who is working on this?

Powering the Resi Foundation is some of our best in-house talent. Housing experts from our consultation team; architects who live and breathe the science of designing homes; even financing experts and planning aficionados.

Alongside this, to help get the Resi foundation off the ground, we enlisted the help of Year Here. These experts in social innovation have worked with our team for months, helping us bring our charitable mission to life. Thanks to them, we’re now ready to kick start the foundation with a bang!

Our roadmap

Right now

We’re currently working on several exciting projects that should help vulnerable groups find safe, secure, and happy homes. Our pioneering Happy Homes research is informing both the homes we’re building commercially, alongside our work with the 'Quality of Life Foundation'.

Near future

We’re directly targeting educational inequalities by reaching out to schools historically deprived of access to creative careers and offering workshops, internships, and apprenticeships to young people of diverse backgrounds.


As we begin to truly understand the housing needs of our most vulnerable groups, we want to hold the sector accountable, using standards that factor both social and environmental concerns. Not only this, but also aim to play an active role in the designing and building of those future homes.