

With our in-house planning agents, Resi gives your project the best chance of first-time success.


With our in-house planning agents, Resi gives your project the best chance of first-time success.

What is the planning stage?

During planning we’ll help you apply for one of two things: planning permission or a lawful development certificate.

A lawful development certificate is recommended if your project comes under your Permitted Development rights. It’s proof to both your local authority and future buyers that your build was legal at the point of construction.

If your project doesn’t come under Permitted Development rights, you are legally required to obtain planning permission, whereby your local authority will assess your proposed design.

In both scenarios, we’ll help put together a planning package that includes: your existing drawings, proposed designs, plus the verifying information required by your planning authority. Applications typically take 8 weeks to reach a decision. During this time, our planning agents will liaise with the council on your behalf, ensuring you have the best chance of first time approval.

The details

Stages of planning support


Our planning team will work with your designer to package up your project, ready for submission.

Planning fee

We’ll let you know when and how to pay your planning authority’s application fee - this is separate to the cost of our package.

Application submission

Fee paid, we’ll upload your application and ensure the planning authority has everything they need going forward.


Your local planning authority will confirm the application is suitable for review.

Planning officer assigned

Once your application has been given the go-ahead, your local authority will assign their own planning officer to work with our own team.

Neighbour consultation

During this 2-3 week window, your neighbours will be able to feedback on your proposed project.

Application assessment

This is the final stage before a verdict is given. At this point, we do our best to provide any extra information the planning officer might need.


Whether your project faces approval or rejection, we’ll guide you through the next steps of your project.

Next step:

Building regulations

Once you’ve secured planning approval, your next step will be to get your project in line with UK building regulations. These are a set of statutory requirements that all buildings must meet in order to create a safe and healthy environment to inhabit.

Because of the level of technical detail required, plus the number of professionals involved, it’s best to wait until you’ve received planning approval before moving onto this step. Once you are ready, Resi can help get this stage of your journey under way.

Further reading

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Our expert team offer free 30 minute phone consultations to help with your project.

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